Like always I am super behind. I still can't find the cord that plugs my camera into my computer so I finally found another cord that belongs to something else that will work! So now it's time to play catch up mostly for my own sake. So in March we went to San Diego for 10 days or so. We started the trip off with a few days with Greg's parents. Honestly I don't remember what we did. But a favorite past time at their house is jumping from the hallway onto the bean bag and so this trip we introduced Kenzington to it, and obviously it was a success.
Our main reason for going to San Diego was because my whole family decided to do a reunion at Disneyland since most of the adults hadn't been there in a long time and half of the grandkids never had. My mom and stepdad.
Axton's first picture with any character. We always ask him if he wants to take a picture with people and he has always said no. This time he agreed to a few.
My sister-in-law Heidi came up with the cute idea to do these shirts. They have all the names of the kids which make up the Mickey face. Leighton and Cooper were asleep when we took this picture and then Hunter had a blow out right after, so we never got all the grandkids in one picture in the shirts, oh well.
Kenzington, Logan, Axton, Hunter, Lydia, and Ryleigh
Uncle Derek with Axton, and Uncle Theron with Logan and Lydia
Cooper enjoying his sucker! Probably my favorite picture of them all!
Axton, Logan, and Ryleigh.
We had a ton of fun for the 4 days we were there.
Some other random pictures from the month of March.
Axton wearing his batman pajamas Gma Lark got him for Christmas
These kids can't get enough of the baby. And she doesn't care who's holding her or giving her attention as long as she's not by herself!