I was on the phone with my grandpa and Greg was on the phone with the Hartman's finishing up the plans for our trip next week. I thought Axton was in with Greg but then I realized he was being way to quite. I went in where Greg was to see what Axton was doing and he wasn't there. I then hear a noise from the hallway and the bathroom door is shut. I can tell he is in there so I open the door and take him out with it. My wonderful, precious little boy was coloring me a picture on the back of the door. EXCELLENT! Then I see the wall and the toilet. What an artist! I was caught a bit off guard since I was still trying to listen to the phone conversation while having the battle within myself to yell or get the camera. I decided to get Greg first and then take pictures.
Apparently he thought it was time for the bathroom painting to be finished, I've been a huge slacker on it.
Luckily for him he caught me in a good mood and all he had to do was help clean it up. No timeout, no yelling, what a lucky little man. Unfortunately I don't think him having to clean it up was a punishment at all. It could have been worse, like the permanent markers he colored with a year ago, that you can still see in the picture! Yep I'm a slacker, I told you I was.
Honey - this is too funny!!
I'm not a yeller, but that might have made me yell! What a nice mommy you are! ;) And cute mural on the wall!!!
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