Friday, September 9, 2011


Given our fertility issues I went into this pregnancy knowing it could be my last, but hoping it wouldn't be. I tried to enjoy it as much as I could and not complain too much. Then we had her and I found out that there was a real chance of her being our last, but thankfully things worked out and we at least have a shot at having more, God willing.

I knew having two kids would be an adjustment but having another baby in our home has changed me in a way I didn't expect. Despite being tired and not getting anything done (and her crying a lot!) I am actually more patient and happy than I've been in a while.

I can't seem to get enough cuddle time with either of my children. I give (and get) so many more hugs and kisses. I've been forced to slow down and just learn to enjoy my children doing things at their pace instead of the crazy world pace I've gotten used to. I look forward to playing endless rounds of Candyland, and attempting to answer all the questions Axton has these days, even if his many questions are about my boobs right now! I look for things Axton and I can do together. I've started reading books to both kids again, and singing songs to and with them. I am truely enjoying being a mother to two kids and if you asked me today if I was ready for more I would say yes, only can I please skip the bad parts of pregnancy and just have another one delivered in 9 months!

My heart is full these days and I feel like I am accomplishing what God wants me too, even if my house is a wreck, I haven't showered, and I have a headache from all the crying! I have a renewed love for my children and Greg, and a greater appreciation for our parents, extended family, and friends. I'm so grateful that we have been blessed with two precious souls to raise, teach, and love; and that Greg and I are able to do it together. I hope we are blessed with more. This is really what life is all about for me and I'm loving it. Thank you Greg for working hard so that I can stay home all the time with our sweet children, it really is a blessing.


Kelsey Ann said...

I loved your new found thoughts on motherhood. They seem to parallel mine completely. There is just something about being forced to slow down when another little one comes into our lives that gets us thinking and appreciating all the small moments in life we often look over.
And don't worry, showering is way over rated in my book:)

Michelle said...

Thanks for your thoughts. Beautifully said. I am glad that you are being able to enjoy everyday. I can tell that you are a wonderful Mom. Enjoy.