We have had guests like crazy since Kenzington joined us but we are finally on our own, and I'm getting thrown back into the real world big time. But here are some highlights from the first weekend, as in we had gotten home the day before!
Greg's mom was here already when Kenzington decided to join us and so she got to stay with us for 10 days. She was a life saver since she is a morning person and would get up with Axton and take him to school for me, then they'd go play with cousins after school, and come home for nap time and the rest of the evening. It was heavenly since Kenzington was still sleeping a lot and then I didn't have to worry about Axton at all.
Greg's dad was able to come up the two weekends after Kenzington was born. The first time he came up he brought Aunt Katie and Uncle Spencer with him, the second time he brought the "adopted" son Thomas.
Katie and Spencer
On Saturday EVERYONE came over. It was a mad house and I think I am still recovering from it! But we were able to get a picture of most of the Leavitt grandkids, only missing Camille (UT) and Kenzington (who was asleep)!
Doggy pile on Spencer
Seeing who could jump the highest
Trying to dodge flying pillows (good thing I am wanting to recover them when I find a fabric I like since they got torn to shreds).
Grandma chasing them
Dancing with Aunt Katie
Overall the weekend went well and I think everyone had a good time.
Good luck as you learn the ropes with two kids! Enjoy!
Thanks for the sweet commentary of all the week and all the pictures. You are a blessing to our family and we love you!! And you are a great mom!!
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