So on to HALLOWEEN!!
We carved pumpkins for Family Home Evening (like everyone else)!
Getting ready for our first, of many, halloween functions.
Kenzington getting dressed. Her shirt says "I've been inside for 9 months", thank you pinterest! I got the idea from a friend. I decided to wear my "jail" shirt (as Greg likes to call it) to match her, that was as far as my creativity went this year!
Axton got to be a pirate, no he didn't have a say in the matter, but fortunately he loved it.
We went to our ward trunk or treat. Our ward puts on amazing parties. This year it was at a neighborhood park so all in our little community, LDS and nonLDS alike, could attend and not feel awkward or out of place. We had a couple of bounce houses, different carnaval games, cupcake walk, etc. The best part though is definitely the line to get candy from everyone. We rope off an area and then everyone sits around the outline of the rope and hands out candy. We handed out at least 500 pieces of candy and we ran out before it was over. Needless to say Axton had enough candy that we didn't need to go do the real deal (although we still did!!). Unfortunately I didn't bring the camera and I have yet to ask my sister-in-law if she got any pics from the ward party.
All of us heading out on the actual night. And yes I am wearing SHORTS in OCTOBER!
We were able to go trick-or-treating with Greg's sister Kim and her family. They were much more creative and prepared seeings that they were The Incredibles.
It was a fun night and the kiddos scored big time. One plus to AZ and there super close together homes is definitely trick or treating. It doesn't take long to hit 50 or so houses and be done for the night, maybe an hour.
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