The first night he stayed in bed for about 2 hours with no fuss. Then being the impatient person I am, was too shocked by how easy it had been, so I decided to check on him to see if it was true. Well he wasn't asleep yet even though it was 10pm and so he started crying after that and wouldn't stop until we gave in and put him in his crib.
So the next day at naptime he went down easily in his big boy bed. But that night he was a little more fussy so Greg laid with him until he fell asleep. He woke up crying half way through the night and I moved him to the crib.
The 3rd day, nap was a piece of cake again, and that night he slept the whole night in his bed. But he still woke up that night crying, we discovered puppy kept falling off the bed and he couldn't find him!
Eventually he learned to keep puppy by the wall and we thought all was well. Then he started waking up again. I decided a nightlight might fix it and it did! Now if he wakes up he can look around and find his puppy or a book and then puts himself back to sleep.
I'm just really glad that he doesn't come to our room in the middle of the night every night (or ever!) and want to sleep with us. He actually has yet to leave his room in the middle of the night which I so appreciate, I like my sleep. He doesn't wander the house, fall out of bed, or do anything that I was afraid he'd do! We've even retired the baby monitor from it's place in the hallway, we can't hear him from our room without it. It's great that he can come to us if he needs too.
The downfall... we never know when he's going to get himself out of bed in the morning. He went from wanting out of his crib around 8 to being by our bed anywhere from 5:30 to 7:30,averaging around 6:00. And he is super full of energy from the get go! He loves to come in and say, "Mommy up too! Get up!" followed by tugging on my arm or lifting up my head to try and get me out of bed. If I don't immediately get out of bed he starts to cry and throw a fit. I love the rare morning sleep-ins now! Who would have thought that I would consider "sleeping in" to be 7am! He is his father's son, those darn morning people!
I let him pick out his own blanket and if you know his phase it shouldn't be any surprise that he went straight for Lightning McQueen! We bought some cute wallpaper border to put up and some pictures. Someday we'll get around to painting it, maybe for his birthday! Guess I should finish his bathroom first, that's only taken me 6 months!
Cute bed! Sorry you're losing sleep though! I never would have believed 7am would become sleep in time ; ).
I am impressed he used to sleep until 8! Mason has always been a 6 'o' clock riser.
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