Friday, May 7, 2010

Silence is not always a good thing

Axton is pretty good about not getting into things he's not supposed to, but sometimes he blurs the line of what's allowed and what's not. Recent example (meaning 10 minutes ago)..... markers! Allowed to play with them with mommy or daddy's permission and to color only on paper. Not allowed, coloring on walls, furniture, etc, or himself. I guess I should be glad that he chose to color on himself this time (he's already mastered the walls and recliner)!

This is my favorite. I don't think he actually colored his face, I think when he got sent to time out he cried and wiped his arms on his face. It could almost pass for child abuse, guess he'll have to keep practicing his makeup artist skills!

This is the second major coloring of himself. I guess he's practicing for all those tats he's never going to get, or else Aunt Corina and him have been watching the same shows together ;)LA INK anybody! Sorry inside joke! At least he keeps me on my toes and I can't wait for the reactions at church on Sunday since the last time he colored himself it took almost a week for it to come completely off! Gotta love kids!


Amy Baker said...

That is to funny! I am the same way my boys are not even allowed markers anymore cause they just like to draw on everything but the paper!

Lindsey said...

Wow! That's a pretty awesome coloring job!

Lark said...

This is so funny - love it.