We had house guests that weekend too so Aunt Melanie got to tag along with us most of the day while Katie, Spencer, and Thomas were busy helping with a friend's wedding. Mel went with me to Axton's soccer game. Only 4 kids showed up, and they play 3 on 3 so it was interesting. Especially when 2 of the kids who came won't even play. It was pretty much Axton and another boy Aiden out on the field and getting them to stay out there was quite the feat. Axton got bribed with donuts and swimming but they were already planned so I don't feel too bad!
After the game we did the bribes. Bought donuts on the way home, and then went swimming with some of the cousins. It was Vanessa birthday so we were glad we got to see her for a little bit. She turned 7! The water was freezing but Axton still had fun. We discovered we need to invest in pool toys since we will be there a lot this summer! Anyone with a pool feel free to invite us over anytime!
After swimming was a very late, and short, nap. We had our ward easter party at 5 so we didn't get to sleep for too long. It was a "bring your own picnic dinner (aka fast food for us)" and then they had cupcakes to decorate, and then they did an egg hunt. They split the older and younger kids to look for eggs. Axton qualified for the younger area, and looking back on it we should have gone with the big kids to make it last longer and be a little more fun/difficult since Axton definitely gets the concept this year.
The kids were told they could "find" 5 eggs so when Axton started grabbing every one within his reach I got the job of intervening. Unfortunately he didn't like that rule but quickly forgot when we told him he could eat the candy out of all of them and promises of more easter egg hunts to come.
Today at school he got to do an easter egg hunt that he said was much more fun, mostly because it was harder. Wish I had been there to see it. But we'll have one more on Saturday with at least some of the family and I promised him it would be even harder! Nothing like recycling candy for several egg hunts, oh yeah and they'll go in his easter basket afterwards too!
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